Book Of Spells

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Presenting many spells from many different times and cultures, this book features enticing, exotic, and sometimes slightly erotic magic spells to help readers prosper at work, at play, or in love. This book is a good way to learn about craft and is a good book for people who know more than a little about "witchcraft", or a good book for kids who know a lot more, and want to do some really kick a** spells... but its not a good book for VERY experianced "witches". I reccomend this book because it has spells that really work, but they only work if you are serious, and are good at concentrating and BEING serious, not being wild and hiper during the spell... it is only for mature people who know what they are doing... It does require you go out shopping once in a while, or go to parks and get materials, but most of the things are things that most people already have on hand... This is an ebook.


50 Of The Most Powerful Spells On The Face Of The Earth!!

$ 1.99 USD

We're going to give you a great ebook, that took many years to compile. It's called "50 of the Most Powerful Spells On The Face Of Earth". That's 50 weeks of free spells... Almost an entire year. And all of this is even before seeing what we've got in the store for you with our weekly spells!! This is an ebook.

Pagan Spells Mix Of Spells

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Spells are simply rituals used to perform magic. As discussed in Using Magic, the particular ritual is only part of what makes magic work. It can, however, be a very important part. Rituals help to focus your mind on your goals. Certain items can help to focus the mind in particular directions. By combining particular rituals with particular objects, you can virtually force your mind to focus in the direction you desire. This is an ebook-PDF.

Pagan Spells Blessing Spells

$ 1.99 USD

Spells are not about turning people into frogs or granting wishes. A spell is a set of actions and prayers that you do and say in order to ask for divine help with some particular aspect of your life. Spells are one of many ritual activities that many Wiccans engage in. Not all Wiccans cast spells they are a matter of personal preference. Spells can be designed to attempt to either harm or help others. Thus, there are both evil spells and healing spells. The same magickal processes are used for both.

Blessings spells works for both you and the reciever. its works because you have just shown someone you care enough to think about them in giving them a wishful blessing. This has a ripple effect. This is an ebook.


Witches Potions And Spells

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Witches have great knowledge of how to make magical potions and charms. A potion is a drink that causes a desired effect in a person's behavior. A charm is a magical incantation that helps to bring about a spell. Witches also are believed to be able to see into the future.

According to tradition, witches are said to be masters of the supernatural world. They conjure and command spirits. They may have special helping spirits called familiars, who take the form of animals, particularly cats, snakes, owls, and dogs.

Most witches practice in secrecy. Some do so because they believe that is the tradition. Others do so because they wish to avoid persecution. Because of secrecy, it is difficult to estimate how many people practice witchcraft. This is an ebook.

Pagan Spells Bath Spells

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Bath spells are the most relaxing way to practice witchcraft, and one of the most popular (after candle spells). They appeal to our senses, and capture the power of the water element. On this page, I've collected the best bath spells from around the site. Hopefully there will be one that suits your magickal purpose. This is an ebook.

Hypnotism Spells

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You've heard the expression "the blind leading the blind." It's a statement about enlightenment or the lack of it in society. But what about you personally? Do you have any blind spots? Any dark areas of your mind that are run by hypnotic suggestion or a spell cast onto you in the past? Yes, you will learn today how to cast a spell and hypnotise someone. But more importantly, through this process, you will learn how to identify hypnotic suggestions and "spells" that are already implanted within You. This is more important that casting a spell on someone else for several reasons.If you cast a spell on someone, it is likely that you are doing so to draw a desired result from that person. Ironically, during the process of learning how to cast a spell or hypnotise, you'll begin to see areas that you yourself have become spell bound. When you do, you'll realise that the desire to get someone to behave or act differently may not even be your own.
This is an ebook.

Pagan Spells Life Spells

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Many of these spells involve concepts commonly known and publicly discussed. Therefore they have become integrated into magical and spiritual culture. If I am unaware of the author or creator of a specific work, I have attributed it herein as "Anonymous". If you are aware that a certain work or spell archived here was previously published or is improperly credited, please contact me. I will either remove the entry or properly accredit the selection.
This is an ebook.

Making Magical Incenses & Ritual Perfumes

$ 1.99 USD

A wealth of  Information, & accurate recipes for producing your own ritual Incenses &  Perfumes. This is an ebook-PDF.


Pagan Potions Brew Magic Formula

$ 1.99 USD

Potions are used in Pagan and Wiccan spells and rituals for health and inner magic. Potions act as liquid carriers for magical power. Sometimes you will drink them, but more often they are applied to the skin. Purifying Sage Spray is one example of this type of potion.

Potions can charm, heal or cast a wicked spell. In strict terms, perfumes are potions, designed to lure someone into a love snare. "Boil, boil! Toil and trouble." Even Shakespeare paid homage to the magic art of potion-making. But potions do more than implement spells. Potions are used to treat every kind of ailment (think about fizzy Alka Seltzer). Potions are a part of ancient herb lore and reveal the staying power of some of the "old ways," even if some ingredients (porcupine quills!) are difficult to obtain. This is an ebook.

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